Being Skincare Journal: How to use Boobie Balm

Boobie Balm is a multifunctional natural balm that soothes and repairs overworked nipples for breastfeeding mothers.

It brings together gentle and effective ingredients to prevent and soothe cracked nipples, calm inflamed skin, fight bacteria and moisturise dry skin. 

Here’s our guide on how to use Boobie Balm to keep your skin feeling soothed and protected while breastfeeding..


Wash hands thoroughly before application. Soften a pea-sized amount of balm between your fingers.


Apply to nipple area after each feed, ensuring the area is dry prior to application.

Although this balm is perfectly safe for your baby, we recommend wiping off any excess before feeding to ensure a proper non-slip latch. 

It is always important to spot test on baby’s skin before first use.


Apply Boobie Balm throughout the third trimester of pregnancy to prepare for the breastfeeding journey. Gently massage it in to help prevent blocked ducts and stretch marks.

Once baby is born, use it after each feed to sooth and repair your overworked boobies.

As your boobies adjust, you may find you need to use it less. Use the rest of the balm on your face, lips, hands, scars and stretch marks and anywhere on the body in need of moisture and repair.