Being Skincare Journal: Calendula

Sun worshiping calendula is a vibrant flowering herb, widely used for its skin healing properties.

The blossoming top, including the bud down to the stem contain many phytochemicals that protect, nourish and soothe skin. This includes carotenoids, beneficial antioxidants that offer protection from disease and encourage healthy cell function. Our skin renews itself every three weeks, and calendula being a regenerative herb can help support this process, by encouraging new skin cell growth, leaving skin that is soft, smooth and supple.


Calendula is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb, while still being gentle enough to be used on babies and children. Calendula helps soothe many skin irritations including eczema, dry, itchy skin, redness, flaking and is especially beneficial on cracked skin and cracked nipples, making it a key ingredient in our Boobie Balm for breastfeeding mothers. In addition it possesses antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it useful as a topical application on minor cuts, wounds, rashes and burns. It gently speeds up the healing process while keeping infections at bay.

Calendula is also a lymphatic herb, and when taken internally as a tea, it helps to gently detoxify the body and fortify the immune system.


To make calendula tea, simply steep two teaspoons of dried calendula in boiling water for 10 mins. Strain, and drink slowly. Calendula tea is beneficial for conditions such as hormonal cystic acne, and skin breakouts which are aggravated by congested lymph and food intolerances.

Calendula infused oil massaged on the face with sweeping strokes down the neck, past the lymph nodes can also assist in draining lymph and calming cycstic acne, while boosting circulation, providing nourishing blood flow to the face. This ritual can be created using our Being Balm which contains calendula infused oil as well as other beneficial herbs for the skin, including geranium and lavender which help balance oil production and clear bacteria.